/ Selbach-Umwelt-Stiftung  / english  / Carbon Neutral   

A Carbon-Neutral Foundation


Since 2007, the Selbach Environmental Foundation has been working on the implementation of its mission statement to achieve a "carbon-neutral environmental foundation", an objective to which the foundation chose to commit itself in light of dramatic changes in climate across the globe. The aim is to see that climate protection becomes established as a boundary-transcending mission across every part of the foundation's activity.


This is ensured by reducing, as far as possible, climate-harming emissions that are connected to the work of the foundation or to projects promoted by the foundation, by means of "climate-friendly" project implementation measures (such as the choice of transport).


Some emissions, unfortunately, often cannot be avoided, produced as they are in the running of the foundation such as the cost of heating and energy, travel and boarding for speakers and conference guests, printed materials, postage, and event organisation. These are compensated in a second step by corresponding investment in certified climate-protection projects in Asia and Central America. Such projects neutralise climate-harming emissions at least to the same extent as those that have been caused by the activity at the foundation.


These measures have been allowing the Selbach Environmental Foundation to "neutralise" its climate-harming emissions using corresponding compensatory projects since 2007, when it was one of the first foundations to do so. The foundation has also made a pledge to win over other (environmental) foundations to this integrated climate protection approach.



