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The Board of Trustees

The Selbach Environmental Foundation Board of Trustees is an advisory and supervisory body within the foundation, currently made up of the following members:




Dipl. Ing. (FH) Gabi Bott


Deep ecology trainer and yoga teacher. Having studied landscape management, she began training at the Association for Applied Deep Ecology (registered association), and trained further in the United States with Joanna Macy. She has many years of experience in Buddhist meditation and has been a seminar leader since 1996. Since the beginning of 2001 she has lived in "Ökodorf 7 Linden", an ecovillage community that currently has around 100 inhabitants in the north of Saxony- Anhalt.



Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Peter Dürr


Quantum physicist and long-standing collaborator with Werner Heisenberg. Director Emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Physics (Werner Heisenberg Institute) since 1997 and professor at the University of Munich, he is recognised internationally as one of the most prestigious activists and leaders in the peace and ecology movement. In 1987 he was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize (Right Livelihood Award).



Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald


Theologian and philosopher, chairman of the Schweisfurth Foundation and honorary professor in "Agrar-Kultur" and environmental ethics at the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He is a lecturer in political ecology at the Munich School of Political Science, and has been visiting professor in Stakeholder Management and Business Governance at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences since 2004.


Prof. Dr. Peter Littmann


Managing director at Brandinsider GmbH, a management consultancy service in Hamburg which specialises in developing innovative concepts for the creation of new brands and the revitalisation of existing ones, and then putting this into action on the market. Previously the holder of management positions in large-scale enterprises including as Chief Executive Officer at Hugo Boss AG, he is now a member of various supervisory boards and of the board of trustees for WWF Germany. Honorary professor at the Witten/Herdecke University.


Prof. Dr. Markus Vogt


Catholic theologian and holder of the chair of Christian Social Ethics at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, he previously took on roles including as a member of the Council of Experts on Environmental Issues for the German Federal Government, and the leader of the newly-founded "Church and Environment" clearing house at the Benediktbeuern College of Philosophy and Theology. His work focusses on environmental and economic ethics and he is actively involved in bringing Christian social ethics and Catholic social doctrine toward the fields of environmental protection and sustainability.



